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Governor Abbott Announces Temporary Closure Of State Parks And Historic Sites

AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott has directed the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Texas Historical Commission (THC) to close all state parks and historic sites as part of the state’s efforts to strengthen social distancing practices and prevent gatherings of large groups of people.

Historic sites and state parks will close to the public starting at 5:00 PM this evening and will reopen at the direction of the Governor.

“Social distancing is our best tool to curb the spread of COVID-19 and save lives,” said Governor Abbott. “The temporary closure of our state parks and historic sites will help us achieve this goal by preventing the gathering of large groups of people. I urge all Texans to continue to stay at home except for essential services as we respond to COVID-19. By following these social distance practices, we will overcome this challenge together.”

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One Comment

  1. DUNCE.
    Five days ago, he officially prolaims that “visiting parks” is an ESSENTIAL service.
    Yet now he prohibits the use an “essential service” even if oly used by one person.
    This leader must have fallen out of a tree.

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