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Governor Abbott Attends Texas Education And Workforce Summit

Monday, September 19, 2016  •  Austin, Texas  •  Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott attended and delivered remarks at the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative’s inaugural Education and Workforce Summit in Austin. Governor Abbott established the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative in March 2016 to develop new tools to meet Texas’ workforce needs. The summit convenes the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating board and the Texas Workforce Commission to present the Tri-Agency Initiative’s recommendations for building the skills of the Texas workforce and advancing regional economic expansion, job creation and the goals of 60X30TX.

“For Texas to be the undisputed center for innovation and intellectual capital in this decade and beyond, we need to accelerate learning to the speed of business and technology,” said Governor Abbott. “In order to remain competitive and ensure Texans are creating and filling the jobs of tomorrow, we need to do more. Understanding the changing needs of job creators today is paramount in continuing to expand opportunity in Texas.”

Earlier this month, Governor Abbott announced the Tri-Agency Initiative’s launch of the Texas Industry Cluster Innovative Academies, which will create partnerships between public high schools, higher education institutions and local industry to provide students with learning opportunities in high-demand occupations and help meet the needs of the 21st century economy.

Quote from Governor Abbott -March 07, 2016,

“Understanding the needs of job creators is paramount to ensuring that Texas remains the top state for business expansion and relocation,” said Governor Abbott. “This past session, we made economic strides by investing in our workforce and further reducing taxes and regulations. By establishing this initiative, the State of Texas now seeks to ensure that the needs of both its growing workforce as well as new and existing businesses are met and each are prepared to successfully operate in an ever-changing 21st century economy.”


To learn more about the Texas Education and Workforce Summit, click here.

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