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Governor Abbott Increases Readiness Of State Operations Center

As severe weather continues to impact parts of Texas, Governor Greg Abbott today elevated the readiness level of the State Operations Center (SOC) from level four (normal conditions) to level three (increased readiness).

The Governor has authorized the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to activate Texas Task Force 1 to respond to any emergencies related to the on-going severe weather.

Governor Abbott has also activated Texas Task Force 2, which will be staged in Dallas until deployed. Additionally, the Texas Disaster Medical System’s Emergency Medical Task Forces are rostered and remain available if needed.

“As severe weather continues to impact Texas, we are taking action to ensure the necessary resources are prepared to respond to affected areas,” said Governor Abbott. “I urge all Texans to heed warnings from local emergency management officials, stay clear of rising waters and continue to monitor the ongoing weather situation. I want to thank the first responders for their preparedness and efforts to keep Texans safe.”


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