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Governor Abbott Signs HB 1535 Allowing Beer-To-Go Sales In Texas

Governor Abbott Signs Legislation Allowing Beer-To-Go Sales In Texas | Photo: Office Of The Governor, 6/15/19

AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today signed into law House Bill 1545 (Paddie, Birdwell), which allows beer-to-go sales for craft breweries in the state of Texas.

The bill also extends the operations of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and reduces regulations on the beer and wine industry. The Governor hosted the bill signing at Austin Beerworks and took part in a brewery tour following the signing ceremony.

The Governor was joined at the bill signing by Representatives Chris Paddie, Eddie Rodriguez, Senators Brian Birdwell, Kirk Watson, and Dawn Buckingham, and several stakeholders from the beer and wine industry.

“Today’s signing is a major win for the freedom and economic prosperity for which Texas has become known,” said Governor Abbott. “It is no secret that Lone Star State is one of the best states for business and entrepreneurship, and House Bill 1545 plays an important role in maintaining this by ensuring our beverage industry is free of stifling regulations. I am grateful to the legislators and stakeholders here today who played a vital role in getting this legislation to my desk.”


Governor Abbott Signs Legislation Allowing Beer-To-Go Sales In Texas | Photo: Office Of The Governor, 6/15/19

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