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Groundhog Day Job Shadowing Applications Underway

By: Iris Campbell, Public Information Officer, SMCISD
The San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce is partnering with San Marcos High School to host the Third Annual Groundhog Day Job Shadowing Event on February 2, 2016. They are seeking partnerships with businesses, city and county departments and agencies, and non-profit organizations to offer its junior and senior high school students Job Shadowing opportunities.
Job Shadowing is an opportunity for students to “shadow” a working professional in a specific occupation or career of the student’s interest. This experience will assist students with their post-secondary plans for college and career. By bringing students into the workplace, very real and tangible options come alive for them, creating a critical link between education and success. 

You can partner with San Marcos High School by hosting a student on February 2, 2016. All hosts will receive additional information about the event, suggested activities for the day, and an application form by contacting Mike Doyle, Career and Technical Education Coordinator for SMHS, at 512-393-6899, or Michael.Doyle@smcisd.net, preferably by January 25th when placement starts.


Completed applications should be sent to Brian Bondy, President/CEO, San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce, 202 North C.M. Allen Parkway, San Marcos, TX 78666 as soon as possible. You can also fax to 512-393-5912 or email to brianb@sanmarcostexas.com.

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