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GSMASA Board Honors Ron And Marie Jager

Guests enjoyed a pre-ceremony reception that included wine, cheese and sweet treats in the Tea Room from 5:30 – 6 p.m. and then moved to the 1910 Room where GSMASA Board president Dale Kelley welcomed the crowd…

San Marcos, TX –
 A group of nearly 100, including past and present Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association (GSMASA) board members, friends, family, and the cast of the upcoming local, 9-run production of The Sound of Music gathered in the Price Center’s 1910 Room to dedicate the new Ron and Marie Jager Theatre on Thursday, June 14.

The GSMASA Board chose the occasion of the kick-off of the local, children’s summer musical theater production to officially dedicate the space due in large part to Ron and Marie Jager’s mutual love of theater, which created a unique bond between the dynamic couple that spanned more than six decades.

Together and separately they produced, directed, wrote, performed in, and/or provided opportunities for others to celebrate the creative art of theater.

As the driving force behind several festivals, celebrations, plays, concerts, and stage productions – including an original production titled “Falderal” – the Jager’s contribution to the San Marcos community is unparalleled.

Thanks to their joint commitment and talents, Summer in the Park, Sights & Sounds of Christmas, the San Marcos Performing Arts Association, Grains of Sand Creative Arts Association and ultimately, the Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association and its Price Center and the 1910 Room exist today.

Guests enjoyed a pre-ceremony reception that included wine, cheese and sweet treats in the Tea Room from 5:30 – 6 p.m. and then moved to the 1910 Room where GSMASA Board president Dale Kelley welcomed the crowd before making a few remarks, and then signaling for the unveiling of the new tribute.

Following a few remarks from Marie Jager, who was present with her daughter Dea Perez, guests were then treated to a 5-song medley from The Sound of Music by the 30-member cast of local children.

You can see the new tribute to the Jager’s legacy daily at the Center. For more information about the GSMASA or the Price Center, stop by 222 W. San Antonio St. in Downtown San Marcos, Mon. – Fri., 9-5 p.m., call 512-392-2900 or visit price-center.org.


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