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Harvey Causes Gasoline Shortages; Drivers Panic

While there is a shortage in gasoline, drivers’ reactions may only be making it worse.

After Hurricane Harvey closed several oil refineries along the Texas coast, Texans have been scrambling to fill their gas tanks out of fear.

With the historic flooding experienced by places like Corpus Christi and Houston, oil refineries have reduced their production rates or closed all together. In some cases, personnel simply can’t reach work to restore production.

While there is a shortage in gasoline, drivers’ reactions may only be making it worse. With fuel distribution from the refineries low or stopped, many gas stations have run out of gas entirely due to the sudden spike in demand.

According to the Department of Energy, the Texas Gulf Coast is home to 25 percent of the United States’ oil refining capacity.

President Donald Trump has tapped into the strategic petroleum reserve, which is the world’s largest supply of emergency crude oil with a capacity of more than 700 million barrels of oil; the purpose of the action is to spare Americans from a spike in gas prices due to shortages. The department of energy will send 500,000 barrels of oil to a refinery in Louisiana.

Officials aren’t sure when the Texas refineries will resume normal production, but the shortage is considered only temporary.

In the meantime, drivers are being asked to think twice before flocking to the nearest gas station if they don’t need it. 


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