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Hays And San Marcos March 2015 Sales Tax Revenues

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said today that state sales tax revenue in March was $2.12 billion, up 1.5 percent compared to March 2014.
“State sales tax collections have now grown for 60 consecutive months despite weakening in the energy sector. This moderated growth was expected and is currently in line with estimates presented in January,” Hegar said. “Receipts in the construction, services and restaurant sectors remained relatively strong. We will continue to monitor the state’s economic activity and its impact on key revenue sources.”

Hegar will send cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose taxing districts their April local sales tax allocations totaling $576.6 million, up 4 percent compared to April 2014.








**The sales tax figures represent February sales reported by monthly tax filers.

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