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Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center Raises Awareness In The Community

In 2016, HCWC provided face to face services to 1,872 victims of abuse; 512 of them were Sexual Assault and Abuse victims and 410 were Child Abuse victims in Hays and Caldwell County.

April is National Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month.

Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center is hosting several events in Hays and Caldwell County to connect community members to these critical issues.

It’s no secret that talking about these subjects is difficult and uncomfortable and we recognize these challenges, however, not talking about them is no longer an option. Secrecy can and does feed into the perpetuation of these crimes.

Our goal is to not make this scary or uncomfortable but rather to empower community members with knowledge and open up new dialogue with one another and particularly, our children.

In 2016, HCWC provided face to face services to 1,872 victims of abuse; 512 of them were Sexual Assault and Abuse victims and 410 were Child Abuse victims in Hays and Caldwell County.

While this number is just TOO high for our communities, HCWC’s mission is to also educate and prevent by providing Prevention Education services. 2,000 students from 12 schools were provided 347 Primary Prevention Education presentations.

An important message we learned from students was the need for discussion regarding Consent and Sexual Assault issues in addition to learning about Healthy Relationships.

We are one step for young people to learn these and other important life skills but it’s imperative for the entire community to embrace and engage with our youth.

How can you get involved? Follow HCWC on social media using the handle, @HCWCenter, volunteer, donate, visit our website and join our e-newsletter list at www.hcwc.org or stop by one of these community events during the month of April.

We encourage each and every one of you to join the fight to end violence in Hays and Caldwell County!

The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center has a 39-year history of serving women, men and children in Hays and Caldwell Counties who are victims of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault and child abuse. All HCWC services are free and confidential. 

For more information please visit www.hcwc.org or call (512) 396-HELP.


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