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Hays CISD Seeks Stakeholder Feedback

Hays Consolidated Independent School District is conducting its fourth annual customer service survey March 23- April 3 to find out what parents and the community members think about a variety of topics.
Parents who have provided the district with their email addresses will receive email invitations to participate. The survey, available in both English and Spanish, will also be accessible to all parents and community members via the district’s website. Additionally, paper copies will be available at each school.
“The feedback we receive from this annual survey directly impacts district planning and program implementation,” said Hays CISD Superintendent Michael McKie. “Hays CISD is committed to an ongoing dialog with its stakeholders. By working together, we can ensure the best learning environment and opportunities for our students.”
The school district will also survey staff to assess employee satisfaction and identify areas needing attention. The employee survey  explores topics such as job satisfaction and engagement, working conditions, and curriculum and instruction. K12 Insight, a third party company, will administer both surveys to ensure the confidentiality of those who participate.
Once both surveys have closed on April 3, K12 Insight will analyze survey results and write a formal summary report to be presented to the Board in May. District leadership will then close the loop by sharing results, including how it will use the data to assess the performance of individual campuses and shape planning for the upcoming school year.
To access the survey via the district’s website, please visit www.hayscisd.net

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