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Hays CISD Sends Out Information On Weekend Activities And First Day Of School

Hays CISD sends out information on weekend activities and first day of school

This afternoon, Hays CISD sent out the following information to parents/guardians of their students.

Dear Hays CISD Parents and Guardians,

As Hurricane Harvey approaches the Texas coast, we are closely monitoring the weather. During potential significant weather events, Hays CISD works directly with emergency management officials and local meteorologists to assess the possible effects of the weather on school operations.

  • Currently, school is scheduled to start normally on Monday, August 28, 2017.
  • All extracurricular activities for this Saturday and Sunday are canceled. 

Here’s where you can find important information:

  • Push Notifications on the Hays CISD App – Apple or Android
  • Email (if you have not unsubscribed to district emails)
  • Web Alerts – www.hayscisd.net
  • Phone Calls – only if an actual closure or delay occurs
  • Local News Media

Detailed information about the district’s weather delay and closure plan is online at: www.hayscisd.net/weather.    

Know that the safety of students and employees is the paramount factor in making weather related closure or delay decisions. Remember, during inclement weather, you must make decisions based on your unique situation to keep yourself and your family safe. Safety should always be the first priority. Turn around – don’t drown.


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