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Hays County Announces Partnership For Free Flu Shots, One Flu Related Death In County

The Flu shot will protect your body from most of the Flu strains that are currently afflicting our neighbors, but even if you do still get the Flu, the vaccination provides your immune system with a boost to help you recover quicker.

The Hays County Local Health Department is partnering with Live Oak Health Partners Community Clinic to provide FREE Flu shots on Tuesday, February 13th from 12pm to 6pm or until the supply of vaccines runs out.

This event will take place at the Health Department located at 401 Broadway Street in San Marcos, and is open to anybody 4 years of age and older.

We will also have FREE Flu vaccines that are specifically designed for anyone over the age of 65.

You do not have to be a Hays County resident in order to receive a FREE Flu shot.

This year’s Flu Season has been one of the worst ones Hays County has seen in years, and there are no signs that it will be stopping anytime soon. Just yesterday, the Hays County Local Health Department was notified of Hays County’s first death that was associated with complications of the flu.

Since September, over 9,000 Hays County residents have visited a Health Care Provider with Flu-like symptoms and almost 2,500 of those cases had a positive Flu test. Compare this to last Flu Season when we only had 1,001 positive Flu cases from September through May.

It is not too late to get your Flu shot if you haven’t received one already. The Flu shot will protect your body from most of the Flu strains that are currently afflicting our neighbors, but even if you do still get the Flu, the vaccination provides your immune system with a boost to help you recover quicker.

Feb 1-  6, 2018 – 366 positive Flu cases in Hays County – 1 death associated with complications of the flu

January 2018 – 1,046 positive flu cases in Hays County

December 2017 – 697 positive flu cases in Hays County


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