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Hays County Commissioners Approve FY 2021 Budget, 2020 Tax Rate

The Hays County Commissioners approved the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and Tax Rate Tuesday night.  

The approved tax rate for 2020 is .4212, which will raise 5.18% more revenue than the county received in 2019.

Of the additional $4,619,577 the county will receive in revenue this year, $4,396,386 will come from new properties added to the tax rolls in 2020.

During the meeting, Commissioners voted to make several changes to the FY 2021 budget utilizing reserve funds and additional revenue identified by the auditors’ office.

Among the changes are:

  • Software to accommodate the inclusion of TXST dispatch to the Public Safety Building
  • Security & Software Management program for device support, which will allow remote updates and software installations to devices;
  • Soft Code, Civil Processing Software, which can also be used to collect COVID 19 data;
  • Network Switch replacement for Dripping Springs, previously budgeted but saw small increase in price;
  • Additional Treasury Specialist effective Oct. 1;
  • Adobe Pro Licensing Budget adjustment;
  • Adjustment for Longevity Pay for positions previously overlooked;
  • Part-Time Probate Auditor not Probate Attorney;
  • $5,000 each to seven local non-profit organizations

Commissioners moved the remaining savings of $113,000 into a contingency fund in Jail Operations for future staffing positions.

The FY 2021 budget and 2020 tax rate were approved unanimously by the court. The FY 2021 will take effect on Oct. 1.

In other news, the commissioners set the FY 2021 salaries and allowances for Hays County Elected Officials. No changes, other than longevity increases, were included in the FY 2021 budget.

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