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Hays County Commissioners Approve Resolution To Extend Local Disaster Declaration

Staff Reports

The Hays County Commissioners’ Court held a special meeting Monday afternoon, March 16, to adopt a resolution extending County Judge Ruben Becerra’s local disaster declaration.

The commissioners voted unanimously to approve a resolution to extend the declaration for no more than 120 days.

According to Hays County Clerk Elaine Cardenas, the declaration can be rescinded before or extended beyond the 120 days by the commissioners’ court if necessary.

Becerra said the county is taking the situation seriously and very interested in continuing to provide all the services residents have come to expect from the county and protect families.

“I am also suspending all work-related travel unless I, the county judge, say it is essential to county operations immediately,” Becerra said.

“We are going to see some economic impacts to our community, especially in our small business,” Commissioner Lon Shell said. “I would like to start coordinating with some of our chambers with the Judge’s help to get some information of the impacts they might be seeing.”

Court members will continue to reach out to local businesses and Chambers of Commerce to understand what programs might help owners and employees.

The declaration allows Hays County governments access to funds and resources that might be required while the coronavirus is affecting lives, businesses and most aspects of everyday life.

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