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Hays County Commissioners Call Emergency Meeting

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Hays County Commissioners Call Emergency Meeting To Be Held May 29, 2015 at 9AM
1)     Update regarding local disaster relief.

2)     Discussion and Possible Action to continue the Local Disaster Declaration ordered by the Hays County Judge pursuant to Section 418.108 of the Texas Local Government Code on or about May 24, 2015, related to flooding and inclement weather in Hays County.

3)     Discussion and Possible Action to authorize the Development and Community Services Department to waive fees at the transfer and citizens collection stations, effective 5/28/15, for citizens dropping off waste generated by the May 2015 floods.    

4)     Discussion and Possible Action to authorize the Development and Community Services Department to implement streamlined permitting procedures, effective 5/28/15, for citizens impacted by the May 2015 floods, including but not limited to: waiving permit fees, waiving various OSSF and Development Regulations requirements, developing event specific documents.

5)     Discussion and Possible Action to approve the form of agreement related to Right of Entry, Hold Harmless and Duplication of Benefits for use by County agents and contractors with landowners within Hays County; and to authorize Precinct Commissioners to execute said agreements on an as-needed basis, with input from staff. 


6)      Discussion and Possible Action to Authorize the Transportation Department to purchase a CAT 272D Skid Steer Loader for debris removal and amend the budget accordingly.




Posted by 4:00 o’clock PM on the 28th day of May 2015

Comissioners Court, Hays County, Texas

Hays County encourages compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the conduct of all public meetings.  To that end, persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids such as an interpreter for a person who is hearing impaired are requested to contact the Hays County Judge’s Office at (512) 393-2205 as soon as the meeting is posted (72 hours before the meeting) or as soon as practical so that appropriate arrangements can be made.  While it would be helpful to receive as much advance notice as possible, Hays County will make every reasonable effort to accommodate any valid request regardless of when it is received.  Braille is not available.

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