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Hays County Commissioners Court Approves Outsourcing Agreement With Two Additional Counties

Hays County Jail was built in 1989. As of today, it is the only facility in all of Hays County for holding individuals who are being charged for breaking a state or county law.

On Tuesday, the Hays County Commissioners Court approved contracts to outsource inmates in McLennan and Limestone Counties if the need arises.

In November 2016, Hays County residents voted for a $106.4 million bond to pay for expansion and improvements to the Hays County Jail. However, the county is continuing to outsource inmates until the improvements are completed.  

Capt. Julie Villalpando, Hays County Jail Administrator, said the inmate population tends to increase during the summer, and counties closer, with whom the county already has agreements with, are experiencing inmate population increases as well.

While Hays County may not currently need to outsource inmates to McLennon or Limestone county, Capt. Villalpando said it would be nice to have the option available.

McLennon and Limestone counties have agreed to house Hays County inmates at the price of $49 a day per inmate. The cost will not include any outside medical or dental services or medications outside the facility.

Hays County Jail was built in 1989. As of today, it is the only facility in all of Hays County for holding individuals who are being charged for breaking a state or county law.


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