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Hays County Commissioners Court Proclaims Influenza Vaccination Week

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court proclaimed the week of December 4-10, 2016, as National Influenza Vaccination Week in Hays County and urged all persons eligible to have a flu vaccination to do so to protect themselves and their loved ones from getting the flu virus. In Central Texas, prime flu season is January through February.

According to the proclamation, an estimated 36,000 people die from influenza-related illnesses and more than 200,000 are hospitalized nationwide each year. In Hays County between 2013 and 2016, some 3,000 people have tested positive for influenza and an additional 23,000 were diagnosed with a flu-like illness.

“Most people have two to three days of fever and chills, then get back to their regular routine and don’t consider flu a serious threat,” Eric Schneider, Epidemiologist with the Hays County Local Health Department, told the Court. “However, most deaths from flu occur in children younger than two years old and in people over 65 – those who are too young to have a flu vaccination or often have a pre-existing condition that prevents them from getting a vaccination. They rely on the rest of society to prevent the spread of flu.”

“Vaccinations are the most effective way to prevent a widespread flu epidemic,” County Judge Bert Cobb, M.D., said.

Schneider also noted that it is a myth that getting a flu vaccination can cause the flu since a dead strain of the virus is used. He reminded everyone to wash their hands thoroughly and frequently, cover their coughs with their sleeve, and to stay home if they feel sick.

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