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Hays County Commissioners Court Proclaims ‘National Influenza Vaccination Week’

Hays County Commissioners Court Proclaims ‘National Influenza Vaccination Week’
Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court and Local Health Department encourage all residents to help prevent the flu by getting a vaccination, “the best way to prevent the flu,” according to County Judge Bert Cobb, M.D. The Court proclaimed December 6-12 as National Influenza Vaccination Week in Hays County.
The respiratory virus, spread from human to human by coughing and sneezing, causes fever, cough, joint pain and in many cases, life-threatening symptoms. Each year an estimated 36,000 people in the United States die from flu and another 200,000 are hospitalized. Hundreds each year in Hays County have been affected by the flu and thousands more report “flu-like symptoms” but are not tested so confirmation is impossible.
Health experts recommend getting a flu vaccination as early as possible when the vaccine becomes available – usually in October – but since flu season can extend into the spring, a vaccination in December or January is not too late. It typically takes about two weeks for the vaccine to become fully effective. 

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