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Hays County Commissioners Court Proclaims Week Of April 28 – May 5 As Soil & Water Stewardship Week

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court proclaimed April 28 through May 5, 2019, as Soil & Water Stewardship Week, and called upon residents to help conserve precious resources – fertile soil and clean water – that provide people with their daily sustenance.

According to the proclamation, the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, brought on by long-term drought and overuse of land, called attention to the need for effective conservation practices, resulting in the formation of what is now the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

The NRCS and other organization assist landowners across the United States by sharing effective conservation practices that help protect topsoil and improve land.

Josh Storm, chair of the Hays County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), told the Court that these resources in the county are “under fire” because of the rapid influx of residents and that it is important to make sure all people understand the need to protect and conserve resources.

The SWCD board comprises elected landowners who promote conservation and flood control and work to coordinate efforts among private and public entities.

Storm also invited the Commissioners Court to tour 5 Upper San Marcos dams on May 1 that prevent major flooding from occurring. “Many people think that there is a lake behind the large dam off Wonder World Drive, but that’s not the case,” Storm said. “The dam is there to hold back flood water during a deluge.”


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