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Hays County Commissioners Court Votes To Open Three Additional Polling Locations

According to Mark Kennedy, General Counsel for Hays County, the branch voting schedule was established on August 7 of this year with recommendations from both primary parties and the Hays County Elections Commission.

By, Terra Rivers, Managing Editor

On Friday, October 26, the Hays County Commissioners Court held a special meeting to receive counsel and make possible action regarding the extension of dates for the Texas State University Polling location.

Meeting started with an executive session around 1:30 PM.

The agenda item was as follows:

Executive session pursuant to 551.071 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel regarding a threat of litigation by the Texas Civil Rights Project regarding early voting and Election Day polling places. Discussion and possible to follow in open Court.

Commissioners opened court around 1:30 PM.

The Texas Civil Rights Project sent a letter to Hays County Judge Bert Cobb and Hays County Elections Administrator Jennifer Anderson yesterday, Oct. 25. Beth Stevens, Voting Rights Legal Director for Texas Civil Rights Project, demanded the county reopen Texas State University as a polling location for election day.

Commissioner Lon Shell said the turnout for early voting has been amazing, and the letter presented commissioners an opportunity to call an emergency meeting today to discuss the additional polling locations.

According to Mark Kennedy, General Counsel for Hays County, the branch voting schedule was established on August 7 of this year with recommendations from both primary parties and the Hays County Elections Commission.

“It is substantially the same as it has been in past elections,” Kennedy said.

However, it was noted that the county had seen an increase in voter registration since August, specifically in Precinct 3.

Kennedy read a recommendation to add one new polling place (each) for precincts 1, 3 and 4; the recommendation included the separation of precinct boxes 334 and 330 and the action to move box 334 election location to the LBJ Student Center on Texas State Campus.

Commissioners voted unanimously to create the three additional polling locations and separate boxes 334 and 330.

In accordance with Chapter 85.062 five-day notice of any change of a polling location, the three new polling places will be open from 7 AM to 7 PM on Thursday, November 1 and Friday, November 2.

Texas State University and two other locations will also be open for Election Day, November 6, from 7 AM to 7 PM.


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