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Hays County Commissioners Extend Disaster Declaration

Terra Rivers | Managing Editor

On Tuesday, the Hays County Commissioners Court voted 5-0 to extend the disaster declaration an additional 61 days.

The declaration was originally issued on March 19, 2020, for 120 days due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since May, Hays County has seen an outbreak of COVID-19 cases through the county.

On July 14, San Marcos alone had over 2,000 positive cases with 1,600 of them still active.

Fourteen residents are reported to have died due to COVID-19 complications. Twelve were 70-years-old or older.

In other news, the Hays County Commissioners appointed Nathan Mendelhall as the new Fire Marshall.

Commissioner Lon Shell made the motion on Executive Session item #32 in open court and stated that the appointment was dependent on Mendenhall’s acceptance of an offer of employment by the Hays County Human Resources Department.

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  1. Why aren’t more cities and counties shutting down til we can get this pandemic under control? I am one in thousands wondering what Abbott has on the brain by not better protecting his constituents in all parts that are continuing to get worse. Is there something we should know about his lack of appropriate action for the safety of all.

    1. Because the death toll is almost exclusively tied to people that have exceeded the normal U.S. life expectancy?

  2. Sadly controlled by television, fear and lies, the pandemic in your mind will never be under your control.

  3. How does “Fifteen Day to Flatten the Curve” become “6 Months to End our World?”

    Cowardly elected leaders.

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