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Hays County Commissioners To Consider Advance Funding Agreement With TxDOT For FM 110 Overpass

Staff Reports

Today, the Hays County Commissioners will discuss and consider possible action on the execution of an Advance Funding Agreement between Hays County and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

The agreement is related to FM 110 at SH 123 Overpass Project. The project is an element of the Hays County 2016 Road Bond Program and an element of the overall FM 110 project with TxDOT-Hays County Partnership Program.

According to the agenda, the overpass has been included in the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization FY 2019 to FY 2022 Transportation Improvement program.

CAMPO has awarded $5,217,000.00 in federal construction funding. The Advance Funding Agreement would memorialize the roles and responsibilities of TxDOT and Hays County and is required for the project to receive the funding.

According to the agenda, TxDOT would contribute a total of $6,024,496.00 in state and federal funds, which includes construction funding and direct state costs. Hays County would contribute a total of $2,600,000.00 which includes construction engineering and local share match.

TxDOT is expected to begin construction in early 2020.

In other business, commissioners will discuss and consider possible action to accept fiscal surety for the construction of street and drainage improvements in the amount of $2,993,233.65 for Headwaters at Barton Creek, Phase 2 and Phase 4, Section 1.

According to the agenda, the final plats for the headwaters at Barton Creek Phase 2 and Phase 4, Section 1, have been reviewed under the interlocal cooperation agreement with the City of Dripping Springs and has been approved by county staff.

Commissioners will also hold a discussion and possible action to authorize the rejection of bids from Martin Marietta related to IFB 2019-B02 and to find that Martin Marietta cannot be qualified as “lowest responsible bidder” for this particular invitation for bids.

The summary of the item is to be provided in open court. Commissioners court will convene at 9:00 AM at the Historic Hays County Courthouse.

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Hays-County-Commissioners-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-3-26-2019-Tuesday-9AM.pdf”]


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