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Hays County Commissioners To Receive Update On Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission

Staff Reports

The Hays County Commissioners’ Court is slated to discuss and consider possible action regarding the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission on Tuesday.

Commissioners will receive an update on recent commission and subcommittee meetings and the acceptance of Commission recommendations.

According to the agenda, the minutes are not yet available for the June 25 and June 6 meetings or the June 25 Cite and Release subcommittee meetings.

The agenda packet includes a copy of the commission bylaws, membership attendance, agendas and the available minutes of meetings other than the ones listed above.

Commissioners will receive a full update during the meeting.


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One Comment

  1. “According to the agenda, the minutes are not yet available for the June 25 and June 6 meetings or the June 25 Cite and Release subcommittee meetings.”

    Nothing to see read here, folks. [sounds of full tilt panic]

    No “paper trail” is okay because all of them intend to invoke the Fifth amendment.

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