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Hays County Epidemiologist Releases Statement Regarding Coronavirus

Local health officials released the following statement on Friday, Feb. 28, regarding the Coronavirus, which is dominating the news. 

From Hays County Local Health Department Epidemiologist Eric Schneider:

The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) that originated in China is dominating the media headlines.

It’s important to know that Federal, State, and Local Health Departments along with State, City, and County officials have been preparing for cases to show up in the United States and Texas.

It was expected that cases would show up, so this is not a surprise, nor is it an immediate threat to our community. 

Should we begin to see cases in the general population, you can protect yourself, your family, and your community by using the same healthy behaviors that prevent a Flu outbreak.

Currently, there are zero cases of COVID-19 in the general population of Texas, but we are still seeing a surplus of Flu cases.

It is not too late to still get a Flu shot if you haven’t already. 

Residents are advised to contact their healthcare provider or the Hays County Local Health Department at 512-393-5520 if they have any questions about COVID-19.

The Texas Department of State Health Services also has detailed information about Coronavirus.

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