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Hays County Food Bank Seeks Drivers To Keep Rescuing Food

Hays County Food Bank relies on volunteers to rescue and redistribute food daily to those who need it most. In 2018, volunteers donated more than 26,000 hours to further the food bank’s mission.

In 2019, they are on pace to match and even possibly exceed that, but they need your help.

Volunteer drivers are exceptionally important, as they take the food rescue vans to community partners around the county and save food from being thrown out. Each morning, a driver loads a van with empty boxes and visits local restaurants and grocery stores to fill up those boxes. Without drivers, 2,000-3,000 pounds of food would go wasted each day. 

Drivers are needed 6 days a week from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM. This is a food rescue shift, so a driver will need to be able to lift up to 20-pound boxes of food.

In order to be considered to be a driver, applicants must have a valid Texas Driver’s License, have a clean driving record for the past 3 years (some infractions are accepted), and pass a defensive driving test provided by the food bank. All training will be provided.

If you are interested in becoming a driver for the food bank, please contact the Volunteer Services Coordinator at (512) 392-8300 x222 or at jcruz@haysfoodbank.org


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