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Hays County Food Distribution Aims To Help Veterans

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Food Bank, in partnership with the San Marcos VFW, the Hays County Veteran Service Office, and the City of San Marcos Veterans Advisory Board, is holding a drive-thru food distribution on November 21 to assist local veterans this Thanksgiving season.

“We know this has been a tough year for many veterans,” Hays County Veterans Services Director Jude Prather said. “We hope this food drive will help provide some needed relief.”

Prather said the grocery delivery will be contactless.

“Volunteers will wear masks and gloves and place the food items in the trunk/bed of vehicles,” he said. “Our veterans will be able to stay in their vehicles the entire time.”

He added that there are 30 slots available and encouraged veterans to sign up in advance using this Sign Up Genius Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d49aea623aa8-veterans.

The food drive takes place from10 a.m.-noon this Saturday, Nov. 21, at the San Marcos VFW located at 1701 Hunter Rd. Prather said any additional food items will be available to the public for distribution from 11-noon.

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