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Hays County Jail Passes Inspection

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

HAYS COUNTY – On Oct. 19, 2021, Hays County Sheriff Gary Cutler announced that the Hays County Jail and the Government Center detention center passed inspection. 

On October 14th, two inspectors from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards arrived unannounced and conducted a two-day inspection of the Hays County jail. The jail was found to be in compliance with all state-mandated requirements.

“Sheriff Cutler is proud to have never failed a jail inspection during his tenure as Sheriff and commends his staff for their dedication and hard work,” the county said in a press release.

As of Oct. 17, the Hays County Jail Population was 627 inmates, 93% of the jail population was being held with a top charge class of Felony. About 87% of the population is male and the majority length of stay in one to six months. 

Here is a link to the dashboard of data for the Hays County Jail.

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