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Hays County Judge Issues Order Imposing Further Restrictions On Community Gatherings

Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra signed an order Tuesday that implements additional restrictions regarding COVID-19.

The order includes the prohibition of gatherings of ten people or more anywhere in Hays County. The restrictions will be in effect starting at 2 AM on March 18 and continue through 5 PM on May 14 unless terminated or modified by a subsequent order.

According to the order, the term Community Gatherings does not include restaurants, bars and retail establishments; however, the Hays County Local Health Department “strongly recommends that owners and managers of those businesses disallow public access to areas where members of the public who did not arrive together cannot be kept more than 6 feet apart.”

Residents, who are considered at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19, are advised to avoid community gatherings or events altogether.

The order is applicable on a county-wide basis except where “a more restrictive order duly-authorized by a municipal government within a city’s corporate limits shall control within that municipality.”

The Hays County Sheriff’s Office, Hays County Constables’ Offices, the Hays County Fire Marshal’s Office, and other peace officers, are granted the authority to enforce the order.

Violators are subject to a fine of up to $500 for each violation. The order is provided below. 

Order by Judge Becerra_Gatherings_March 17 2020

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One Comment

  1. What about closing bars and restaurants and allowing take and delivery only? It seems like this is inevitable and we should probably implement sooner than later.

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