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Hays County Judge Signs Local Disaster Declaration

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Hays County Judge Bert Cobb, M.D., signed a local disaster declaration for Hays County on October 31. The declaration officially activates the Hays County Emergency Management Plan and mobilizes local resources in assessing and recovering from the storms and flood of October 30-31. It allows the County to request state resources for ensuring that immediate hazards, such as damaged roads and bridges, are mitigated and allows quick procurement processes for necessary supplies.
“The Local Disaster Declaration is designed to ensure that we enable all resources possible and that governments can act quickly by bypassing some of the usual procurement and administrative processes,” Judge Cobb said. The declaration is also required to request a federal disaster declaration should damage assessment teams find damage in Hays County and its cities that is beyond the capability of its residents and governments to recover.
Damage assessment teams are already gathering preliminary damage estimates from throughout the county. Citizens are requested to assist by emailing the address of any damaged property they own, name of owner, the type of damage and the height of water within any buildings on the property to floodstormdamage@co.hays.tx.us if the property is in the unincorporated area of Hays County or within any city except San Marcos. Owners of damaged property within the city limits of San Marcos should report their information to flooddamage@sanmarcostx.gov. Property owners are encouraged to send the information as soon as they can safely access their property. The emails are for reporting purposes and will not activate assistance to a specific property.

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