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Hays County Mental Health Hospital Groundwork Begins

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – A mental health hospital has been a priority for Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra, but the COVID pandemic shifted that focus.

Now, after months of gathering information from experts in the field, Judge Becerra has started laying the groundwork to bring a mental health hospital to Hays County.

“A mental health hospital would support our health care system, our criminal justice system, economic development and ultimately, all residents of Hays County,” he said.

On Friday, the Judge met with community leaders, mental health stakeholders from the Hill Country Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Center, and leaders from other counties who have been successful in bringing a mental health hospital to their jurisdictions

Following that meeting, Judge Becerra will begin to outline his plan and develop the steps needed to make that plan a reality.

“My goal is to have a plan to present to the Commissioners Court and the public within a few weeks,” he said.


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