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Hays County Names New Training Facility After Former Sheriff

Corridor Staff

On Tuesday, the Hays County Commissioners unanimously approved a proposal by the Hays County Sheriff’s Office to name the new law enforcement training facilities after a late sheriff.

Sheriff Gary Cutler was in attendance Tuesday morning to provide commissioners with a presentation regarding the potential naming of the new training center at the jail after the late Allen Bridges, who served as Hays County Sheriff from 2005 to 2008.

According to the agenda, Bridges was appointed as Sheriff in 2005 and won re-election. On December 6, 2008, Bridges passed unexpectedly during his term.

The court approved a resolution naming the facility in honor of Bridges unanimously.

Sheriff Cutler said the training facility is weeks away from completion, and the office is excited and looking forward to it.

County Legal Counsel, Mark Kennedy, said he recalled the day Sheriff Bridges was laid to rest, which was bitterly cold with a low wind chill.

“But I’ll also always remember the turning out of the community for that procession,” Kennedy said. “I keep a picture of it in my office.”

According to Kennedy, Bridges served in law enforcement for 33 years before serving 3 years for Sheriff.

“I got to know Mr. Bridges, and he really was a wonderful, humble and gracious individual,” Commissioner Debbie Ingalsbe-Gonzales. “He really loved his community.”

7.28.2020 - Item #33 - Resolution.Allen Bridges Training Academy (Fully executed)

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