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Hays County Officials Prepare For Possible Flooding With Hurricane Harvey

“At this point, we don’t know exactly where Harvey will make landfall or how far inland heavy rains may cause issues,” Smith said.

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Hays County Emergency Management Coordinator Kharley Smith said today that Hays County responders are ready for whatever Tropical Storm Harvey brings.

She also encouraged area residents and visitors keep an eye on Harvey’s path through media reports, and to sign up for emergency alerts before an emergency strikes.

She also recommended that people living in areas that include low water crossings ensure they have necessary medications and enough food should water cover roads.

“At this point, we don’t know exactly where Harvey will make landfall or how far inland heavy rains may cause issues,” Smith said. “But, Hays County and our local government partners are ready. Our personnel are on standby and we’ve been in coordination with neighboring counties and the Texas Division of Emergency Management. We are well prepared for problems caused by weather as well as ready to take in evacuees from coastal areas if that becomes necessary.” Hays County is known as “Flash Flood Alley” and flooding is not uncommon throughout the county.

Residents of the ten-county Capital Area Council of Governments should take time now to sign up for emergency alerts that are sent to their cell phones and computers. There’s a simple registration at www.warncentraltexas.org that allows multiple registrations of devices and for different areas.

“This free service will let emergency officials alert you directly to your cell phone or computer to take actions in the case of flooding, wildfire, law enforcement actions and other emergencies that affect you where you live, work or vacation within the ten counties,” Smith said. “If officials can alert you to an emergency and give you instructions on what to do, where to go or to shelter in place, it’s much more efficient for you and first responders. You can get alerts for your home, business, children’s schools, elderly relatives and friends, anywhere in the ten-county CAPCOG region.” Smith noted that she has signed up to receive alerts for her home, several relatives, her children’s schools and her own county office buildings.

Hays County residents should also bookmark www.HaysInformed.com for countywide emergency information. The site also includes the expanded ATX Flood map that shows Central Texas road closures.


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