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Hays County POSAC Accepting New Park Project Ideas

Hays County Courthouse, TX – The recently reconstituted Hays County Parks and Open Space Advisory Commission (POSAC) is seeking additional new ideas and project recommendations.

The group, convened in 2020 by Hays County Commissioners Court to establish the viability of a parks, open space, and conservation bond program, provided recommendations that might be funded by the Hays County Proposition A, Parks & Open Space Bond on the November 2020 ballot.

The bond was passed with 70 percent voter approval.

All current and newly submitted projects should be consistent with the goals and priorities set forth in the 2012 Hays County Parks, Open Space, and Natural Areas Master Plan.

Visit the County’s website https://bit.ly/3ufd1s5 to learn more.

The categorical language of Proposition A is meant to address four project types:

  • Urban Parks,
  • Conservation and Open Space,
  • Connectivity, and
  • Water Quality Protection and Flood Mitigation.

Any project may meet the goals of one or more of these categories, depending on its unique characteristics.

The county received 16 recommended projects prior to the passage of the bond; more information on those specific projects can be viewed in an interactive map: https://arcg.is/OfziT0.

As part of the $75 million authorized by voters, the County has the potential opportunity to utilize $30 million towards the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) monies, if selected and awarded.

These monies could fund land acquisition on properties with opportunities for nonpoint source pollution mitigation and prevention, while still functioning as a low-impact recreational park or open space.

The current and anticipated project opportunities to be established by the above funding sources include a broad range of recreation opportunities and natural resource protection. The existing project proposals that requested funding include:

  • Sports fields and sports complexes,
  • Municipal parks, multipurpose facilities,
  • Connective multi-purpose trails,
  • River access and recreation,
  • Open spaces,
  • Skate parks,
  • Nature centers,
  • Dog parks, and
  • Conservation lands to protect sensitive natural resources and endangered species habitat.

For all new project proposals, please submit them to the Hays County Natural Resources Coordinator, Alexandra Thompson, by email at Alexandra.Thompson@co.hays.tx.us.

The POSAC committee requests PowerPoint – or any other form of presentation – to serve as the project proposal.

This presentation should include detailed information about the property, the intended use, any established quotes or master plans, and any other important information.

To see additional information about POSAC and the project proposal, visit https://hayscountytx.com/departments/hays-county-parks-recreation/parks-open-space-advisory-commission-posac/.

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