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Hays County Residents Can Now Pre-Register For A COVID-19 Vaccination

Staff Reports

Individuals qualified to receive vaccines under phase 1A and 1B can now register in advance for a COVID-19 vaccine.

The county launched the registration this week and has broken up pre-registration into two forms depending on which phase an individual qualifies under.

Those on the waitlist will receive an appointment via email with the date and time when the county has a vaccine available for them.

Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra made the announcement of the Pre-Registration form Thursday on his unofficial County Judge Page.

The county and Judge provided a live update on vaccines and COVID-19 in Hays County at 1 PM Friday, which can be viewed below.

According to Beccera, Hays County is in process of launching a phone pre-registration portal, which is expected to be available next week. 

The pre-registration list comes within two weeks of Hays County receiving its first allocation of Pfizer vaccines.

The first round of appointments filled up in 15 minutes on Jan. 22 despite officials having only notified the community via Facebook 30 minutes before registration opened.

During the second round of vaccines, residents were given notice of the portal’s planned opening several days in advance, and the appointment slots were filled in 30 minutes.    

According to the haysinformed website, the Hays County Health Department is receiving 1,950 doses of the Pfizer vaccine every week.

To sign up on the vaccine pre-registration waitlist, visit https://www.haysinformed.com/covid-19.

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One Comment

  1. If I pre registered for the COVID vaccine and didn’t get an appointment, do I have to register or call again to get a vaccine when you get more supplies?

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