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Hays County Search Update, Damage Assessment Statistics

As of June 22, 2015 local response agencies continue to search along the Blanco River for two children missing from the Memorial Weekend flood of the Blanco River. Nine individuals have been confirmed deceased and have been identified.
In Hays County as of June 21, 2015, there have been 1,628 registrations for federal aid for a total of $6.3 million (Editors: note this is a raw dollar amount of funds committed for these registrations to date pending final determination of insurance benefits and damage assessment and is not a number that can be equally distributed among those registered to come up with a per person dollar figure).
Below are the most recent (June 11, 2015) Hays County estimates of residences damaged by the Memorial Weekend storms and flood submitted to FEMA. Going forward, any changes to those numbers will be based on information received via the federal disaster assistance application process.
Destroyed:  321
Major Damage: 322
Minor Damage: 376
Affected: 496 (very slight damage, such as a few roof shingles missing, a few broken windows, etc.)
Inspected/not affected: 138
The estimate for Public Assistance remains at $33 million at this time. That figure may change as water recedes and areas of the county are more easily accessed for damage estimates. A separate estimate of damaged businesses is not yet available.

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