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Hays County to begin Blanco River Debris Removal

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Contractors for Hays County will begin removing debris from the Blanco River that was left behind by the 2015 Memorial Weekend flood. 

“A considerable amount of debris – ranging from building materials to vehicles – was deposited in the river,” Clint Garza, Director of Development and Community Services for Hays County and project manager for the removal program, said. “We’ve partnered with the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) to use emergency watershed protection funds to remove what shouldn’t naturally be there. The entire length of the river, from county line to county line, was impacted.”

“This is a major partnership piece of our plan for long-term recovery from the devastating flood,” Precinct 3 Commissioner Will Conley said. “We look forward to doing everything we can to continue to protect our river and improve life for our Hays County citizens affected by the 2015 Memorial Weekend and All Saints floods and storms.”

Most of the debris removal is expected to be handled from the banks, but there may be occasions when equipment has to physically be placed in the water. The debris removal is expected to take about 90 days.

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