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Hays High School Campus Crime Stoppers

“This program gives all of the students at Hays High School a confidential way of reporting any person who may have committed a crime or is about to commit a crime at their school without fear of retribution or retaliation.”

The Hays High School Campus Crime Stoppers (HHSCCS) student board members and their sponsors attended the 23rd annual Texas Campus Crime Stoppers conference held in Houston, Texas on February 26-28, 2018. Sheriff Gary Cutler is proud to announce that for the third year in a row, this group placed first in this year’s poster contest.

Hays HS student graphic designer Adriana Grajeda’s detail and creativeness helped assemble the winning poster. The students and sponsors wanted to thank Hays HS CTE Digital Media teacher Donald Davis for his mentorship and for allowing the students to develop the annual poster.

Hays County Sheriff Gary Cutler gave praise to the Hays HS students in the HHSCCCS program for their hard work in helping keep their school safe. “This program gives all of the students at Hays High School a confidential way of reporting any person who may have committed a crime or is about to commit a crime at their school without fear of retribution or retaliation.”

Sheriff Cutler also recognized and commended Deputy Sheriff Roger Ramirez, HHS SRO and the coordinator of the Hays HS Campus Crime Stoppers program.

Pictured from left to right: Back row – Alberta DeLaPaz (HHS sponsor), Mya DeLaPaz (senior & State Ambassador), Jason Leal (sophomore), Ryan Leal (senior), Wesley Ramirez (senior), Roger Ramirez (SRO, coordinator), Carolyn Ramirez (HHS sponsor); Front standing row – Ellianna Nejat (senior), Taylor Wright (sophomore), Bianca Ramirez (sophomore & State Ambassador), Kennedy Goodnight (sophomore), Elisa Calderon (senior); Front Kneeling – Kameron Welma (freshman)


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