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Hays High School Lost A Beloved Teacher And Coach

Mr. David Null passed away early Sunday Morning. He was born in May 1961 and was hired with Hays CISD August 3, 2009.


David earned a Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University in 1983, and earned his teaching certificate from the University of Houston in 1986.


He began his career in education at Westbury High School in Houston in August 1986, teaching chemistry (including AP chemistry) and coaching baseball and football. He worked as a high school and middle school coach and science teacher in the Houston area and in New Mexico prior to joining Hays CISD. He also taught Honors Chemistry I at Rice University during the summers from 1989 – 1998. He played baseball for Texas A&M as a walk on player from September 1979 to December 1980.


Below was published on Hays High School’s Facebook page yesterday and no longer available.


“We have some sad news to share today. Hays High School lost a beloved teacher and coach this morning – Mr. David Null.


District crisis counselors will be working with students tomorrow. They met with the baseball team today.


Please keep the Null family in your thoughts and prayers.


Here is the letter that was sent to family members and staff:

Dear Hays High School Families:


It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of a Hays High School teacher, Mr. David Null. Mr. Null taught A.P. Chemistry and was our baseball coach. He passed away early this morning. Details regarding services will be shared once they become available from the family.


We at Hays High School are concerned with our students’ reaction to this sad event. In order to help them adjust to the loss, we have arranged for our Hays High School counseling team to be on hand to support our students. Students will be encouraged to visit our counseling center to receive support while at school if needed.


Please be assured that assisting our students through this difficult period is our priority. Thank you for your continued support. If you wish to talk with one of our counseling team members, please do not hesitate to contact us at (512) 268-2911.


David R. Pierce

Principal, Jack C. Hays High School 

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