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HCWC Hosting Annual Meeting

“Legislative Update:  Family Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Upcoming Legislation”

On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:00pm, HCWC will be hosting their Annual Meeting at The Price Senior Center, 222 W. San Antonio Street.

The public is invited to attend.  This year’s theme will focus on the upcoming Legislative Session and will feature speakers from state professional organizations, Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV), Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) and Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas (CACTX).

Each speaker will discuss legislative agendas such as TAASA’s efforts to Outlaw Groping, Eliminating Loopholes in Protective Order Proceedings among others.

HCWC staff and board participate on designated Capitol Days each session and visit with Hays and Caldwell County representatives to advocate on behalf of victims of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault and child abuse.

This past year, HCWC served a total of 1,872 face to face victims of abuse from Hays and Caldwell County, a 7% increase from the previous year. 45% of these clients served by HCWC were under 18 years old.

HCWC answered 2,467 HELPLine crisis calls and  responded to 69 individuals through our HEARTeam program at area hospitals.

HELPLine and HEARTeam are just one way 327 volunteers helped victims of abuse in their community this past year.

Special volunteer awards will be presented to the following volunteers for their outstanding work on behalf of victims of abuse: HELPLine Team Award to Chelsea Embry, HEARTeam Award to Andrea McGuire-Grovner and the Chris Banbury Volunteer of the Year Award to Sarah Brandon. 

In addition to recognizing these amazing volunteers, we also present our proposed slate of Board members up for vote, which includes: Michele Hawthorne, Samantha Tuzo, Janie Salazar-Wright, Karolyn Tybor, Beverly Anderson, Laura Dupont, Katie McVaney, Kay Wilson and Gabriel Garza. 

The Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center has a 39-year history of serving women, men and children in Hays and Caldwell Counties who are victims of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault and child abuse. All HCWC services are free and confidential.  For more information please visit www.hcwc.org<http://www.hcwc.org or call (512) 396-HELP.

HCWC staff and board at 2014’s Capitol Day [Marching at capital] Photo credit:  TCFV (Texas Council on Family Violence) www.tcfv.org<http://www.tcfv.org

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