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Hernandez Elementary Administrator Named District Diamond

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100Diana Hurtado, Hernandez Elementary receptionist, is the January District Diamond. She has worked for SMCISD for the past 22 years with eight years at Hernandez Elementary. Mrs. Hurtado provides parents, students, and staff with excellent customer service. She loves her job and working with all the students, parents, and visitors that come to school every day. 


Several of Mrs. Hurtado’s grandchildren attend Hernandez, so it is no surprise that many of our children call her “Nana.”  The faculty and staff appreciate all of her efforts on a daily basis.  She always goes above and beyond her job duties.  Kind-hearted, efficient, organized, and happy are a few words to describe this magnificent lady.   


Principal Amber Owens believes that she is the “face” of Hernandez.  She is the first one to greet visitors and last one to see them as they leave.  “Diana is cross-trained and willing to help out in any position.  She is our rock and an asset to Hernandez,” says Owens.


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