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Hopkins St. Reconstruction Includes New Weight Restrictions, Other Major Upgrades To Follow

The City is also completing design and construction plans to reconstruct Hopkins Street from Moore Street to Bishop Street. The project will incorporate several design features to manage traffic, including…

City crews recently completed installation of new truck weight restrictions on Hopkins Street designed to keep large trucks off the largely residential portion of the roadway.

The City revised the truck weight restriction from a gross vehicle weight of 58,420 lbs. to 33,000 lbs. The new truck weight restriction will keep large trucks such as tractor-trailers, cement trucks, dump trucks, fuel trucks, and tour buses off Hopkins Street.

In 2017, the Texas Transportation Commission, the governing body of the Texas Department of Transportation, transferred control of Hopkins Street from Guadalupe Street (Loop 82) to Wonder World Drive (RM 12) to the City of San Marcos.

“The new truck weight restrictions are part of the City’s ongoing efforts to reclaim Hopkins from a state highway to a local, neighborhood street,” said Sabas Avila, Assistant Director of Public Services – Transportation. “To this end, the City is focused on implementing intermediate and long-term solutions to eliminate truck traffic, reduce traffic speeds, and encourage bike and pedestrian mobility.”

In addition to the new truck weight restrictions, the City has installed radar speed signs, restriped narrow lanes, implemented new traffic signal timings, and installed “Do not block intersection” signs. These measures are intended to reduce speeding and manage traffic congestion along the Hopkins Street corridor from Guadalupe Street to Wonder World Drive.

The San Marcos Police Department has also increased enforcement of these new initiatives.

The City is also completing design and construction plans to reconstruct Hopkins Street from Moore Street to Bishop Street. The project will incorporate several design features to manage traffic, including raised crosswalks, narrow travel lanes, wider sidewalks, shared use markings for bicycles, and improved street lighting.

The project will also install new stormwater, water, and wastewater utilities. Construction is scheduled to begin in late 2019 with completion expected in 2021.

For more information on the new truck restrictions, contact the transportation team in the Public Services Department at 512.393.8036.  


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  1. Hey, City of San Marcos Road Dept.:

    Hopkins was just repaved a couple summers ago. It didn’t take long before it was dug into for infrastructure repairs, but even in its current condition, it is like driving on a cloud compared to C.M. Allen. Why don’t you put money and time into that resurfacing, which has degraded consistently since 2015?

    It is one of the worst surfaced streets I have driven on in Hays, Travis, and Comal counties. This includes roads that are in construction zones, which one expects to be in less than ideal condition.

    It looks good to have the worst road greet visitors to Texas State U.

    1. Linda,
      We are sorry, however we have a policy of not publishing links received in comments. We take our readers safety and security extremely seriously and in the world we live in no one should ever click on or open a link unless they know the person. Links can be associated with Malware and viruses and want our readers to be assured that all links on our website are extremely safe.
      However, after we received the comment about C.M. Allen we decided to publish a story this next week on all the upcoming San Marcos CIP and Construction projects.
      Thank you for reading!

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