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Hopkins Street Improvements, Construction Topic Of Public Meeting

The City Department of Engineering will hold an informational meeting to introduce proposed improvements to Hopkins Street Thursday, Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. at the San Marcos Rec Hall, 170 Charles Austin Drive.


The project, in the historical section of Hopkins, will address the street, sidewalks, utilities, and drainage from Moore Street to Bishop. Traffic calming and landscaping will also be discussed. City engineers and Freese & Nichols, Inc., the firm consulting on the project, will be on hand to take comments and answer questions.


This public meeting is a follow-up to a neighborhood meeting that was held July 29, 2015, with residents in the project area. Input gathered from the neighbors and stakeholders at that meeting has been analyzed and will be presented in various design options at this meeting.


Input from this public meeting will be incorporated into a presentation to City Council at future meeting. Council will then provide direction on the final project design.


Public input is welcomed and all interested parties are encouraged to attend.

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