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Hopkins Street Project Amends Traffic Plan With Speed Reduction

In an effort to monitor and improve the flow of detoured traffic from the Hopkins Street Project, the City of San Marcos is amending the traffic plan and implementing temporary speed limit reductions from 30 mph to 25 mph on Belvin and San Antonio Streets beginning on Friday, Sept. 25.

The speed reduction is anticipated to be a permanent change after City staff submit the new speed limit to City Council for approval in December.

“The construction on Hopkins Street, has resulted in an increase in thru traffic on San Antonio and Belvin Streets,” said Laurie Moyer, Director of Engineering and Capital Improvements. “We want the families living, biking, and walking on those streets to feel safe, and reducing the speed of traffic flow is an effective way to do that.”

Six new speed limit signs will be installed along the streets today to replace the previous speed limit signs.

City crews will also be replacing the current Road Closed to Thru Traffic signage along Bishop and Moore Street with Detour signage directing traffic to stay on the signed detour route.

Sign locations will be adjusted to not impact access to local residents and businesses.

The $10 Million Hopkins Street Project replaces water and wastewater lines on Hopkins from Bishop to Moore Street, includes traffic calming design with reduced roadway section and three raised intersections, and installs storm inlets tying into the Travis Drainage Outfall Project.

The City of San Marcos broke ground on the project in Summer 2020 with completion scheduled by Summer 2022, weather permitting.

For more information, contact the City of San Marcos Engineering & Capital Improvements Department at 512.393.8130 or visitwww.sanmarcostx.gov/HopkinsStreetImprovements.

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One Comment

  1. How about instead of reducing speed limits across the city, the Council focus on the infrastructure issues that are causing the problems in the first place?

    The I-35/Hopkins junction is insane. That’s got to be a one-off, never-again, so-bad-you’re-fired project. I’ve nearly been hit, and I’ve seen at least 3 more similar incidents in just the last year.

    Tear it up and start again. Sorry folks… You’re just going to have to wait for Walmart.

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