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How AI Is Transforming The Way Students Learn

By Alana Cathy | Exclusive To Corridor News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing field that is being used to help us live better and more efficient lives. From aiding us around the house to improving our navigational skills, AI is becoming part of our day-to-day living.

More than that, AI is also being used by educational institutions to help students learn and adapt to new trends. Below, we’ll explore different cases of how AI is helping students learn at different levels of their education.

AI for K-12

EdTech Magazine discusses how K-12 teachers are using AI solutions to help them improve student outcomes. For example, AI-enabled teaching assistance applications help educators improve personalized learning.

This is done by taking into account student input and adjusting the course material.

This gives each student the individual attention they need to excel, something that many schools struggle with.

Aside from learning, educators are also using AI for network safety and monitoring. Some schools in Florida, for example, are adopting GoGuardian’s content monitoring software.

The software uses machine learning to provide the necessary interventions when students can access flagged internet searches like self-harm or bullying.

Additionally, since AI is identified as a necessary skill when today’s K-12 students enter the workforce, AI proficiency is also being taught to younger pupils.

School districts in Pennsylvania use tablets and smart assistance applications like Google Home and Amazon Alexa to familiarize kids with AI and machine learning.

AI in higher education

By 2021, automation technology will account for the work of nearly 4.3 million humans worldwide. Soon, it’ll be the individuals who create AI technology that will change the future.

Understanding the rapid changes in the workforce, universities are starting to integrate AI into higher education by creating specific degrees catered towards this evolving technology.

Texans will be delighted to know that US News indicates that the University of Texas Austin ranks in the top eight when it comes to universities with the best AI programs.

And Maryville University details how universities are creating degrees for jobs that don’t even exist yet. Higher education institutions around the country are anticipating the rise in demand for AI professionals, and are doing their best to meet it.

Universities are creating degrees for fields they know will have a big role in the future workforce.

This doesn’t end with the formulation of new degrees, however. Texas State just recently held the Technology Enhanced Infrastructure Summit which aims to help in preparing students to enter the workforce with an ability to implement smart technology solutions.

Providing universal access

While AI is enhancing the learning and development of students who are in the current education system, it’s also helping provide access to those who have been systematically left out.

For example, Presentation Translator is a PowerPoint plug-in that creates real-time subtitles for what the teacher is saying.

Such technological developments open up the possibilities for those with hearing or visual impairments to attend schooling along with the rest of their peers. AI is also helping to make learning more inclusive and equitable to all.

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