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Hurricane Season Begins June 1

The 2017 North Atlantic hurricane season had 17 named storms, 10 hurricanes and six major hurricanes, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

After a devastating hurricane season for the United States in 2017, forecasters are predicting a near normal to slightly above-normal year with between 12 to 15 tropical storms.

Of those storms, 6 to 8 are forecast to become hurricanes and 3 to 5 are forecast to become major hurricanes. The 2017 North Atlantic hurricane season had 17 named storms, 10 hurricanes and six major hurricanes, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The landfall of Hurricane Harvey marked the end of a record-long streak of over 4,300 days with no major hurricanes making landfall in the U.S. Prior to Harvey, the last major hurricane to make landfall in the U.S. was Hurricane Wilma in November 2005.

Similar to last year, sea surface temperatures are expected to remain warmer than normal across most of the basin and normal to above normal over the main developmental region, where more than 85 percent of all tropical storms form.

Hurricane season officially begins June 1. A list of the 2018 hurricane names are listed here.

This was originally published by strategic partnerships inc.


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