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I-35 Corridor Under Flash Flood Watch Until Sunday

Locally heavy rainfall may lead to flash flooding through Sunday for areas along and west of Interstate 35 corridor…

Locally heavy rainfall may lead to flash flooding through Sunday for areas along and west of Interstate 35 corridor.

National Weather Service

Locally heavy rainfall may lead to flash flooding through Sunday for areas along and west of Interstate 35 corridor.

A slow-moving frontal boundary will push across the Hill Country and Edwards Plateau throughout the day. Scattered to numerous showers and thunderstorms are expected ahead of the frontal boundary.

The frontal boundary is then forecast to push across the Rio Grande Plains this evening. An upper level disturbance across the Southern U.S. Plains will also serve to enhance shower and thunderstorm development late tonight into Sunday.

Storm total amounts of 1 to 3 inches are possible with isolated amounts up to 7 inches. The heavy rains should become more isolated Sunday afternoon, allowing the flash flood concerns to decrease.


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