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Ideas Worth Sharing In San Marcos

“We felt that there were many voices on our campus and in San Marcos that needed to be heard by a larger audience”

By, Bri Watkins


To shine light on the passionate and innovative ideas within the local community, San Marcos held its first independently organized TEDxTexasState event, featuring live speakers Nov. 5 on campus.

Eight different speakers, including students, professors and alumni, were invited to share enriching ideas to further enhance lives and the community.

“We felt that there were many voices on our campus and in San Marcos that needed to be heard by a larger audience,” Seth Frei, lead organizer for TEDxTexasState, said. “A TEDx event provides the opportunity for those voices and ideas to be heard around the world.”

The theme for this year’s event was “Everyday Heroes,” to highlight the inspiring figures in communities.

 “In that theme, we wanted to celebrate the heroes among us, and to inspire the people watching these talks to be heroes in their families, friend-groups, communities and the world,” Frei said.

Along with live speakers, TEDxTexasState featured local performers and displayed videos of TED Talks from across the world. Attendees received various coffee and snack breaks, and were encouraged to discuss the ideas they heard.

Daisy Jaimez, international studies senior, spoke on immigration in America. She felt empowered by getting the opportunity to express her passion to a supportive audience.

“Having others listen to who I view as everyday heroes, and shedding light on immigration in America, was a humbling experience,” Jaimez said. “Being on that stage meant that I had the ability to give a voice to those whose voice is not always heard.”

Along with Jaimez, the speakers for the event were Adam Odomore, Colter Ray, Johnny Vargas, Mark Trahan, Olivia O’Hare, Rodney E. Rohde and Yasmin Diallo Turk.

TEDxTexasState aims to cultivate dialogue to be shared even outside of the event.

“We look forward to seeing the effects of these talks as they permeate our conversations in the classroom and around the world,” Frei said.

TEDx events have been organized by local communities around the world, and Frei said he hopes that this will be one of many for San Marcos.

“I hope others across campus will see the value of this event and the way it positively promotes our faculty, staff, students, and alumni to a wide audience of engaged individuals,” Frei said.

The idea of having TEDx on campus came about in 2011, and organizers held a screening of TED Talk videos, but this year was the first full-day event that presented live speakers.

Frei expressed gratitude toward the Department of Communication Studies and the College of Fine Arts and Communication for being major supporters of TEDxTexasState. 

This article originally published The University Star.

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