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Immigration and border security remain top concerns of Texas voters, UT/TT Poll finds

Immigration and border security continue to top Texas voters' list of most important problems facing the state. It is a particular concern of Republican voters.

By Heidi Pérez-Moreno

The state’s increasing racial and ethnic diversity is a cause for optimism, according to 37% of voters, down from the 48% who made the same assessment in a UT/TT Poll a year ago. It’s a cause for concern, according to 34% of all voters, up slightly from the 31% with that sentiment a year earlier. Among Democrats, 55% called increasing diversity a cause for optimism, a view shared by 24% of Republicans. And while 28% of Democrats called increasing diversity a cause for concern, 40% of Republican voters did so.


Note: Numbers may not add up to 100 due to rounding. Margin of error = ± 2.83 percentage points.
Source: University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll, June 2021
Credit: Jason Kao



Note: Numbers may not add up to 100 due to rounding. Margin of error = ± 2.83 percentage points.
Source: University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll, June 2021
Credit: Jason Kao


Among Republican voters, 89% disapprove of Biden’s handling of border issues. While 56% of Democrats said they approve of his policies, 18% disapproved.


Note: Numbers may not add up to 100 due to rounding. Margin of error = ± 2.83 percentage points.
Source: University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll, June 2021
Credit: Jason Kao


Texas and national economies

This story originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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