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Interagency Task Force on Economic Growth and Endangered Species Meeting – June 25, 2015

The next meeting of the Interagency Task Force on Economic Growth and Endangered Species will take place on June 25, 2015 at 2 p.m. in the William B. Travis Building, 1701 N. Congress Ave., Room 1-111, Austin, Texas.
The task force’s purpose is to give state agencies a mechanism to provide information and assistance to local and regional governments and their communities to comply with the Endangered Species Act as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. For additional information about the task force, please visit the Keeping Texas First website.
Created in 2009 by the Texas Legislature, the task force provides information and assistance to stakeholders including local and regional governments on federal regulations like the Endangered Species Act (ESA) so that compliance with federal laws is as efficient and cost effective as possible.
The 2009 Legislature’s Senate Bill 2534 created the Interagency Task Force on Economic Growth and Endangered Species.
The task force is charged with providing local and regional governments and the communities they serve with policy and technical assistance regarding compliance with the ESA and related regulations, so that compliance is as efficient and cost effective as possible.
The task force’s member agencies share information on ESA issues; assess the economic impact of proposed listings; develop strategies for protecting endangered species while encouraging economic growth; and provide recommendations and reports on endangered species concerns across the state.
Guiding Principles
  • The task force adopted principles to guide its activities and the efforts of any related advisory committees, including the development of recommendations for cost effective approaches to endangered species issues.
  • The following principles shall guide the task force and any related advisory committees in their activities and the development of recommendations for cost effective approaches to working with endangered species issues.
  • All activities of the task force and advisory councils shall be conducted in an open and transparent manner.
  • All recommendations developed shall be based on sound scientific research.
  • Any program or initiative developed to assist in endangered species mitigation or recovery that includes creation of credits shall include third party verification of the benefits or credits associated with the initiative.
  • All available tools shall be reviewed for possible use in developing an approach to specific issues.
  • Opportunities for recovery of listed species shall be included in development of initiatives.
  • Advisory committee members must represent only the respective concerns of the affected landowners, conservation interests, and municipalities or jurisdictions they are appointed to represent.

Meetings and Information Sessions

The task force holds meetings to share important news about species under review and the ongoing initiatives to address endangered species issues that could affect the state’s economy.

Economic Impact

The task force analyses the potential economic impact of the ESA and possible species listings.

  • Case studies
  • Species information pages containing economic data

Local Strategies

The task force identifies strategies and tools to help communities, landowners and businesses work with endangered species issues while growing the economy.

Step-by-Step Guide for Local Communities

The task force developed a step-by-step guide for communities to learn more about the resources available to address endangered species issues.

Data on Species under Review

The task force highlights the importance of gathering data on species under review to better understand their status and provide input on listing proposals.

Conservation Plans

Conservation plans are one of the available mechanisms that communities can use to protect economic growth while conserving species of interest.
  • May 2011 – February 2012 – the task force collaborated with a stakeholder group to develop the Texas Conservation Plan, a key factor in FWS’ decision not to list the dunes sagebrush lizard.
  • The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department worked with impacted entities to develop and implement a conservation plan for the lesser prairie-chicken.

Local Advisory Committees

The task force creates local advisory committees to provide recommendations on strategies for specific species.

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