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IRS disbursing more economic stimulus payments in coming days and weeks

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Bureau of the Fiscal Service announced that the next batch of Economic Impact Payments will be issued to taxpayers this week, with many of these coming by paper check or prepaid debit card.

For taxpayers receiving direct deposit, this batch of payments began processing on Friday and will have an official pay date of Wednesday, March 24, with some people seeing these in their accounts earlier, potentially as provisional or pending deposits.

A large number of this latest batch of payments will also be mailed, so taxpayers who do not receive a direct deposit by March 24 should watch the mail carefully in the coming weeks for a paper check or a prepaid debit card, known as an Economic Impact Payment Card, or EIP Card.

No action is needed by most people to obtain this round of Economic Impact Payments (EIPs). People can check the Get My Payment tool on IRS.gov to see if their payment has been scheduled.

This marked the second batch of payments, with additional payments anticipated on a weekly basis going forward. The vast majority of taxpayers receiving EIPs will receive it by direct deposit.

In addition, the IRS and the Bureau of the Fiscal Service leveraged data in their systems to convert many payments to direct deposits that otherwise would have been sent as paper checks or debit cards. This accelerated the disbursement of these payments by weeks.

Additional information on this batch of payments – along with photos of the paper check and debit card and an updated Fact Sheet of Frequently Asked Questions – was also released today by the IRS and is available on IRS.gov.

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  1. I fully qualify for this stimulus.. I have all my information on file and I check online status portals and mail daily. Nada.

    1. It’s the same crap all the time. Our government has waited so long once again to do anything for the American people that not only are we some of the poorest and most in need still waiting for a stimulus payment, but we have fallen deeper and deeper into dept. This will be the third check to try digging myself out but the fricken interest is killing me….

      1. Spend less. Save more. Stop expecting the government to miracle money from nothing. Your financial future is on you.

        Lost your job due to Rona? Nope. Sorry. You lost your job because you didn’t stand up and refuse to comply. That “check” is just a front loading of transfer payments. The government stole it from future generations.

      2. Heidi, go get another job stop being lazy. I have two jobs at this time to make ends meet. Stop waiting for the government to baby sit you. Its not there job, this is the problem with this country’s!!

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